Go Green And Save Money.
Author: Josue Branch
Everywhere you look today it appears the main message is, "go green and save money." This is an appealing message for the general public as we are consistently warned of the dire results of world temperature rises beyond control. People must do their bit to help save the planet, and if they can save money at the same time, then it just clearly sounds correct all round. You can go green and save money almost anywhere. Your place is most probably the most plain place to begin, but you may also do wonders with your car, at the office, out shopping, traveling on holiday, and lots more and plenty more. The opportunities are just about infinite ; going green does not need to be more expensive, you can definitely go green and save money at the same time. Your place likely leaks heat out in the winter and leaks heat in in the summer. For that reason many people have winter heaters and summer air-con units. This should be the initial place you research of the way to go green and save money. Are all your windows tight? Are the entrance seals tight too? This is where heat can leak out and make your electricity bills soar. If your place does not have good house insulation heat will pour out in winter and pour in in the summer. Insulation is an example of the best techniques to go green and save money. Your walls can have their cavities full of insulating froth as well, all keeping the heat within in winter and outside in summer for more cushty living. The water you use in the house is perhaps the best "go green and save money" source you have.
Look for leaks first. Leaking taps, even just the occasional drip, accounts for plenty of money wasted over time.
You might waste as much as 140 gallons in a week! Are your hot water pipes insulated? They will be if you attempt and go green and save money.
Insulated pipes let the hot water reach the taps quicker, so saving water, while you go green and save money too. Low flow toilets are an alternate way to save water. You do not want to flush gallons of water away every time, just what you want. Edison was a genius, but his light bulb invention has been superceded by the new compact fluorescent light bulbs. These are bulbs that employ an irrelevant 25% of the energy a standard light bulb uses. They also last ten times longer. Replace all your standard bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs and straight away go green and save money!.
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/go-green-and-save-money-931919.html
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